Green Play dough
1 cup flour
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt }
2 tsp. cream of tartar
Food coloring
Mix all ingredients in saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly until ball forms. Cool and knead until smooth. Read About Green
Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr.Suess
Purple, Green & Yellow by Author Robert Munsch
Fun With Green
What Do You See?
In advance draw a teddy bear face onto several different colors of construction paper.. Glue the bears onto craft sticks. During group time pass a bear out to each child. Chant the following rhyme: Green bear, green bear what do you see? The child or children with the green bear must stand up and identify something in the room that is green. Continue with the other colors. **Here is a Shamrock pattern you can use click the image below:
Sand and Water Table
Add green food coloring to water and freeze. Add green ice cubes to the water table. Color uncooked rice with green food coloring for a change in the sand table.
St. Patrick's Day Crown
Construction paper (white and green)
Cut a 2 inch wide strip of white paper long enough to fit around your head. Tape the ends together. Cut two more strips of paper, each 1 inch wide and 12 inches long. Fold one strip in half and make a 2 inch cut in the center. Glue that strip from one side of the headband to the other. Glue the second strip on so that the band is divided into quarters. Tuck and glue the center of the second strip into the cut of the first. Cut a shamrock shape from the green construction paper and glue into the center. Decorate the crown with small green shamrocks!
Shamrock People
Cut out a large shamrock from light green construction and glue on small construction paper (dark green) shamrocks for eyes, nose & mouth. Attach paper strips, folded accordion style, for arms and legs, attach small paper shamrocks for hands/feet.
St. Patrick's Day Tube
Paper towel tube
green tissue paper
aluminum foil, colored foil paper, or colored cellophane
snack food and/or small toy
Cut a section from a paper towel tube to make it a little shorter. For a handle, tape the ends of a piece of yarn to the inside of each tube end. Cut and glue a strip of green tissue paper around the edge of each end of the tube. Cut slits in the tissue for fringe. Cover the tube with glue and foil/cellophane. Add cut paper shamrocks. Place small snack food or toy inside the middle of the tube. Stuff the tube ends with crumpled tissue paper.
Stuffed Shamrocks
Cut two large construction paper shamrocks and decorate with a special St. Patrick's Day stamps or stickers. Punch holes along the edges and lace together with yarn or ribbon, leaving several inches open. Stuff with crumpled tissue paper, finish lacing, and tie a bow at the top!
Shamrock Lunch Bags
decorate your kids brown paper lunch bags for the occasion. Use potatoes cut in half and carved into the shape of shamrocks. Dip in paint and press on to paper bags.
Bean Bag Toss
Cut a large (or two smaller) pot of gold shaped holes in the front of a large piece of cardboard or the front or top of a cardboard box. Decorate in a St. Pat's Day theme! Have the kids practice throwing bean bags (gold) into the holes.
Lucky Clover Bookmark
Although it would be nice to use a four-leaf clover for this craft, the more common three-leaf variety will do very well indeed! The bookmark will be lucky, in that it will help prevent you from losing your place when you stop reading!
Here's what to do: Put your clover between 2 sheets of white paper, and press between the pages of a heavy book. In a few days, when the clover has dried, take it from between the pages of paper. Cut a strip from some colored construction paper, and carefully glue your clover to the top end. You can also laminate your bookmark to make it last longer!
Shamrock Ice Cream Sandwiches
Mmmm! These are yummy, and a great GREEN dessert option for St. Patty's Day! Just make some green sugar cookie dough (you can cheat, and buy the refrigerator rolls and then mix in green food coloring!), roll out the dough, and cut out shamrock shapes with a cookie cutter, or a pattern. Bake as directed and allow to cool.
Now take some green ice cream (vanilla with food coloring, pistachio, mint chip- whatever you prefer!) and allow to soften slightly. Spread some ice cream onto the flat side of half the cookies. Place the remaining cookies, flat side down, on ice cream. Press cookies together lightly. Wrap each sandwich in foil and freeze for at least 2 hours.
Have fun hunting for leprechauns! Draw a magnifying glass shape on cardboard or card stock and cut out 2 patterns. Don't forget to cut the middle for the "glass." Cut out a piece of green plastic wrap, just larger than the magnifying glass hole. Glue the two cut-outs together, with the wrap between them to form your magnifying glass look-alike. Decorate the frame of the finder with shamrock stickers, green marker, glitter, etc.
Now write the directions that follow on an index card on how to use the finder to hunt for leprechauns! Attach to the handle by punching a hold in the handle and another in the card, then tying the card on with a length of green ribbon. Now you're ready to hunt!
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